Like intended, here I am sipping my hot coffee on a cold Sunday, writing.

I put this site up recently and just finished (kinda) the website theme, colors, and formatting. People who know me would wonder why I’m doing this, given my nature of keeping my thoughts to myself. It obviously contradicts with my introvert nature.

But here I am. Writing on a blog site. Because…

1. It will improve my English. As they say, practice makes perfect. Writing will definitely help me improve my English. After all, we are now living in Australia so I must be able to express myself better.

2. It’s a good hobby. It relaxes me. Also, I am doing something and there’s no pressure that comes with it. I can do it on my own time. Unlike playing MOBA games, I can stop it whenever I want to when I am babysitting.

3. It serves as a journal. A good way to document things as they happen. I also put up a Memories page for some photos Dara and I have taken years before. Years from now, we will be looking at our old posts (and learn from them too). And there is no better way of doing it than your own space online, your own time, and with your own rules.

So that’s it. More contents coming soon!