I guess you really do get what you pay for. I wanted to make a blog site using a responsive theme with lots of images on it. So I signed up with zoom.ph. They boast a list of government websites from th Ph that uses their services. So why not? Right?

Wrong. I can never do anything with what I had with zoom.ph. Imagine doing a minor change and it would take minutes to save. And accessing web pages from your site takes forever. I don’t really feel bad because the monthly fee was relatively cheap. But most sites and blogs are already relying on cms like WordPress. And it looks like zoom.ph are expecting that users are still using old static pages with basic html contents on it. So if you can’t handle cms and responsive themes, I don’t see the point why such services are still being offered. I tried to workaround the stuffs I want done but it is just virtually impossible to do anything.

Support wasn’t bad though. You can sense that they do want to help. But when you reach a dead end, you can’t really argue when they tell you that you can’t do this or that because it is a limitation of your type of service. So basically, you get what you pay for. Like most services, it appears that this is also true with web hosting.

Now, one of the reasons why I picked this hosting service is because they advertise heavily about hosting government websites. They also have good reviews. But after everything I went through, it’s safe to say that these good reviews came from those who opted for those expensive hosting choices.

My new web host

So I switched to Bluehost and so far I like it. Advertised as one of the best, I jumped aboard as soon as I cancelled my service with zoom.ph. I’m pretty tech savvy myself so I try to do everything on my own. So I haven’t really checked how they handle technical support. But as far as speed and reliability, Bluehost is the clear winner. Price is a little bit more expensive but not too much. But it will save you a lot of headache when you do pay a bit extra. But the thing about all these services is, you can only see and compare differences once you have experienced it yourself. It might be too early to tell, but I might stay with Bluehost.