I can’t believe my last post was way way back. Whew. Lots of stuffs happened in the past 6 months and I got really busy like crazy.

Before the Christmas holidays, we moved to a new place in Indooroopilly (finally spelled that right without looking online). For a number reasons – our housemates already graduated from Uni and they had to go back to the Philippines. And it’s a lot more difficult to look for new housemates. Then we also figured it’s probably time to live on our own with Marcus getting bigger. We lived in East Brisbane for 4 years and we really love the house but it was really time to move on. So yeah, we did it. Our contract happens to end by December so we did the moving while everybody else is going to their holiday vacation. Apparently, there’s this thing like a “moving season” where all the students are graduating, and leases expiring, so we had a hard time finding a removalist. Apparently, they were all booked on short notice. Luckily, our landlord let me borrow a trailer. So long story short – we moved all our stuffs on our own. And did I mention we now live on the third floor? lol Anyways, the house we were renting was fully furnished and we are moving to a unit that literally has nothing on it. So we had to buy and move everything from couches to fridges and washing machines. Good thing I had a mate every now and then to help me carry the bigger stuffs. I was just relieved when it was all done. And we like the place so it’s all worth it. It’s easier to look after Marcus.

We tried to make up for the lost holidays by going out on the weekends after Christmas. We went camping to Lake Moogerah right after moving house. I’ll probably write a separate post for that. It was fun, but probably wasn’t the best season to camp because it was really scorching hot. Marcus had a great time running around the camp grounds beside the lake. But the highlight was me catching A fish (emphasis on the “A”). But that’s for another post.

That’s it for now.