orans Falls is a “plunge waterfall” located at the Gondwana Rainforest in the South East region of Queensland. It’s about 2 hours drive from Brisbane. The first half of the drive is pretty relaxed until you get to the foot of the mountains. The roads then become really narrow with lots of sharp corners and some short single lanes. (See screencapture of my Waze)

When we arrived at the main grounds, parking was a challenge due to the volume of people. Some people have decided to park on side of roads. We got lucky to find a spot after a bit of waiting and someone was heading home.
There’s a lot of trails but as usual, we picked the one suitable for a toddler. Thanks to a new app we discovered called AllTrails (we will be using this a lot on our next Nature Trips), we got some information about the trails to see what is suitable. So we picked the Morans Falls Circuit which is about 5.1 kilometres walk (back and forth). I felt like this was an easier trail and indeed it was a really good one. The rainforest was beautiful. The thick trees shades the whole trail. Marcus was energetic as always. It was great. We all had fun. And it helps that the weather these days are much cooler.

Drive to Moran Falls
Alltrails Data

Several birds (and some brush turkeys) can be spotted while doing the trail too. That gets Marcus really interested and it motivates him to do other trips like this.

When we reached the lookout, we had a quick snack, took some photos and had a bit of rest. I’ve always said it before – it’s hard to beat the waterfalls in the Philippines. But the way they present these places in Australia is also on another level (like most tourist attractions we visit here). It’s just good workmanship even on the most basic things like small bridges or benches.
Oh, we didn’t go to the tip of the waterfall. I wouldn’t risk it. Not at this age and not with my son. :-)
Marcus had enough energy to walk back. Yes, I didn’t have to carry him this time so we might stick to this kind of distance on our next walks. On our drive back, he went hysterical laughing at these cows on the middle of the road. Kids…
For more information about the place, please visit the
Queensland Website.