

“Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the mental saw. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, experiences, insights, and learnings promotes mental clarity, exactness, and context.”

-Stephen Covey


“Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the mental saw. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, experiences, insights, and learnings promotes mental clarity, exactness, and context.”
-Stephen Covey

February 2018 Update

I can’t believe my last post was way way back. Whew. Lots of stuffs happened in the past 6 months and I got really busy like crazy. Before the Christmas holidays, we moved to a new place in Indooroopilly (finally spelled that right without looking online). For a number reasons – our housemates already graduated from Uni and they had to go back to the Philippines. And it’s a lot more difficult to look for new housemates. Then we also figured it’s probably time to live on our own with Marcus getting bigger. We lived in East Brisbane for 4 years and

February 6th, 2018|

Letters to my son (Series 1 of 1): On Religion

This is the first of a series of letters I thought of doing. As of today, my son, Marcus, is 21 months and 5 days old. Dear Marcus, Before anything else, know that your Mum and I, we love you so much. We will do our best to make sure that you grow up happy. We promise to be there to support you so don’t hesitate to lean on us. Right now, I’m 31 and your Mum is 30 years of age. We are no experts with parenting. We are still learning to be good parents as well. That is why we’re

June 15th, 2017|

My not-so-detailed review.

I guess you really do get what you pay for. I wanted to make a blog site using a responsive theme with lots of images on it. So I signed up with They boast a list of government websites from th Ph that uses their services. So why not? Right? Wrong. I can never do anything with what I had with Imagine doing a minor change and it would take minutes to save. And accessing web pages from your site takes forever. I don’t really feel bad because the monthly fee was relatively cheap. But most sites and blogs are

June 3rd, 2017|

Babysitting duties on a Saturday

Today has been an easy day. Marcus has been well behaved this morning. Ate all his food. And now taking his nap. Happy Daddy! We played all morning with his toy cars. Marcus loves his cars. As a matter of fact, the first word he said is, you guessed it: car. I spoke to the educators at his childcare yesterday and we’re very happy to learn that Marcus is now well adjusted with their routines. For a while, we have been very hesitant with the whole child care idea because he was getting sick every week. He is now on his 2nd

May 5th, 2017|

Site is up!

Like intended, here I am sipping my hot coffee on a cold Sunday, writing. I put this site up recently and just finished (kinda) the website theme, colors, and formatting. People who know me would wonder why I’m doing this, given my nature of keeping my thoughts to myself. It obviously contradicts with my introvert nature. But here I am. Writing on a blog site. Because... 1. It will improve my English. As they say, practice makes perfect. Writing will definitely help me improve my English. After all, we are now living in Australia so I must be able to express myself

May 5th, 2017|
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