This is the first of a series of letters I thought of doing. As of today, my son, Marcus, is 21 months and 5 days old.

Dear Marcus,

Before anything else, know that your Mum and I, we love you so much. We will do our best to make sure that you grow up happy. We promise to be there to support you so don’t hesitate to lean on us.

Right now, I’m 31 and your Mum is 30 years of age. We are no experts with parenting. We are still learning to be good parents as well. That is why we’re trying to get all resources, readings, etc. so we can teach you well. We are gonna make mistakes. And we will learn from them. Remember, everything we are doing is for you.

I will start making these letters hoping that you might be able to read them in the future (if this site is still active). As I am getting older, it is important that I write down my thoughts from my experiences that you may use it as a guide if ever you might need it.
On Religion
In the future, you will learn about religion. The thing is, your Mum and I decided not to have you baptised. And we are aware that we are gonna be roasted so bad for this. But we want to stick to a different approach. We figured, you should pick your preferred religion (or if you don’t want to have anything to do with it). Always remember, your religion (or lack of it) doesn’t define who you are or your upbringing.

We will talk more about this in the future, I’m sure. But for now, have a good night. We love you.

Yours Truly,
