Today has been an easy day. Marcus has been well behaved this morning. Ate all his food. And now taking his nap. Happy Daddy!
We played all morning with his toy cars. Marcus loves his cars. As a matter of fact, the first word he said is, you guessed it: car.

I spoke to the educators at his childcare yesterday and we’re very happy to learn that Marcus is now well adjusted with their routines. For a while, we have been very hesitant with the whole child care idea because he was getting sick every week. He is now on his 2nd month and so far, he seems to be enjoying it and he’s managing those nasty colds much better now. He still needs to be distracted though so that Dara can sneak out. Otherwise, that’s gonna be a sight that I don’t wanna see because he’ll be crying like crazy. The routine is, Dara sends him to childcare in the morning, while I pick him up in the afternoon after work. These are the things that would have been very easy if we were in the Philippines. But given the circumstances, we will have to make it work with both of us working. And it surely doesn’t help that we don’t have any relatives here in Australia.

My son is a very active child. My mother wasn’t surprised though. But I’d rather have him tireless and active than being sickly.
So while I am enjoying the NBA Playoffs match between the San Antonio Spurs and the Houston Rockets, here he is, sleeping soundly. Everything is quiet. Peaceful. Until he wakes up…