Very happy with our first aquascaping project.




Now we have:
10 Neon Tetras (Marcus calls them the Ket Brothers)
2 Kuhli Loaches (called Orochimaru and Kabuto)
2 Bristlenose Catfish (called Bob and Bob Jr.)
2 Siamese Algae Eaters (called Splash and Dash)
And probably around 20+ Cherry shrimps. We are expecting more cherry shrimps as they keep breeding with 2 of them pregnant.

The plants grow so fast so we trim them down when needed. Marcus’ job is to feed the fishes. He feeds them twice, in the morning and in the evening.

After some tweaking and reorganizing, this one, I would say, is finally complete. The water quality is now under control. The shrimps are breeding. And they all look generally happy. Actually, we are already planning to get another tank. Perhaps some other time.

Happy days!