I keep forgetting one of the main reasons why this website started. That is to use it as a journal. To keep my mind off from other adulting stuffs. So this is my nth attempt to start doing it again. It’s probably a good idea to create a reminder to do this in the evening around this time. Anyways…

My laptop hard drive crashed yesterday. So I am reinstalling Windows while I’m writing this. I prefer to use my personal computer for work as there are so many restrictions on work computers. So I rely on it a lot. Yesterday, it just started looping on boot. I ran a hardware diagnostic test and sure enough, I got error 142. I used to work for Dell so I am very familiar with this error. Luckily, I still got to connect the hard drive to my desktop and was still able to backup my files before it went completely inaccessible.

So I purchased a new hard drive from Umart, Milton. And the installation is running as I speak (or write).

Marcus is feeling much better now and he attended childcare today. Yesterday he had the sniffles so we decided to not let him attend playschool. I picked him up today and we spent a bit of time at Indroo shopping centre while we wait for Dara to finish work.

Tomorrow is his last day at sports class. He is doing Ready Steady Go – Kids.

Camping on the weekends. We are planning to go camping in the weekends so that keeps him (and me) excited to finish the week. 2 more days buddy. 2 more days. :-D